October 21, 2020 1 min read
Citrus oils have so many uses and benefits for clean, synthetic-free living. You can make a hand or dish soap, purify the air in your home, create a simple homemade deodorant or a mix up a refreshing body care mist. Learn about the various uses and benefits of citrus essential oils below.
Added to your own DIY cleaning products, citrus essential oils provide a clean, bright scent that turns your housework chores into pleasant tasks. Plus, citrus oils work well with soaps and cleansers to lift dirt, dust and grime. A few citrus essential oil home-cleaning uses you might want to try: lemon in dish soap or window cleaner, sweet orange for bathroom cleaning and bergamot for cleaning carpets and upholstery.
These aromas don’t just cover up indoor airspaces with fragrance, they clarify the air with the kind of clean, pure scents that can only be derived from nature. Try lime in a room spray, grapefruit in a diffusion, or add a few drops of sweet orange to a steaming pan of hot water on the stove.
While citrus essential oil benefits are cleansing and freshening, they also provide energizing and motivating aromatherapy benefits. Try bergamot in a homemade deodorant or apply an uplifting body mist featuring the delightful scent of distilled lime essential oil.